Photo albums – > Cloud Storage

How we morphed from photo albums to cloud storage

Bharat Tata

10/15/20211 min read

From choosing the best photo album to choosing the best cloud storage plan : EVOLUTION

Evolution of humankind can be explained by many analogies; we may talk about humans

  • before & after the wheel and fire

  • before & after the first manned flight

  • before & after we broke the Kármán line

But I came across another interesting analogy. You know it by now!

I remember my family discussing which albums were best to have. They used to discuss paper quality, binding strength and some other quality metrics. Albums were a sense of pride and gave us a tangible connection to past. The anticipation between clicking pictures on the black old Kodak and opening the brown envelope with developed photos was sky-high. Never knowing how those memories would turn up!

Even after digital photography became mainstream albums were still going strong. Giving us the touch of memories. That is until cloud storage or rather cloud every thing came along.

Clicking photos now has become more easier than ever. Infact I feel that the only thing that garnered more research after war & silicon semiconductors is perfecting our camera’s. While cameras become more and more powerful the size of photos they produce grow bigger and bigger. And with that the storage battles start. Physical space on phones and PCs is enough no longer. We have moved out looking for bigger and better storage plans.

Don’t go looking for ways to crucify me yet! I love cloud storage. I’m just putting my thoughts out.Its just a wonder how our definition of memories has evolved. Although I do agree I might whip out the album a couple of times a year. But as of date I haven’t looked at 95% of the 28000 odd photos I have stored online!

Well hoping for the best!
